Coverage Area
Backpack type units can cover up to 50,000ft2/hr and save time on refill of solution
Check the battery life, and option to purchase spare battery if required
Air assist units improve coverage from distance and further dispersion
Consider the weight of unit, there are cart mounted vs. backpack
Non air assist handheld units beneficial in tighter spaces like bathrooms
Check what position your arm/hands will be in over extended periods
Charge Type
A positive charge is preferred to negative due to interaction with disinfectant solutions
One unit charges the bulk solution, while others induce a charge on the droplets at the nozzle
Check that the unit is UL/CSA certified for your area
Manufacturers have ramped up production, some parts and support are challenged. Best experience with North American made with local support
Consider your cost of reliability: do you need a spare sprayer or parts, or a professional service as a back-up option?
Check the warrantee conditions